Where to donate pre-loved clothes in Australia?

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ―Winston S. Churchill
Many of you know the importance of giving, it could be embedded within you as default. By now you recognised this instinct, especially when you encounter people or animals in unfortunate circumstances and you may start thinking how can I help him or her? There is no definite way how you can help others in need. You could spend money or time for them, or you could help them by giving them your pre-loved products such as clothes.
According to an article published in 'The Guardian' - "Australians buy an average of 27kg of textiles each year, and 23kg is then thrown into the landfill".
Now you know it is not just about helping others but helping your planet too!
In case you are looking for donating pre-loved clothes here are some options
Australian Redcross
The Smith Family
The Salvation Army
St Vincent de Paul Society
Posted in
Australian Charities, Donation, sewing, Sustainable fashion